Podiatrist Casino Nsw

  1. Podiatrist Casino Nsw City
  2. Podiatrist Casino Nsw Island

The Australian Podiatry Association's CPD program provides podiatrists the highest level of professional education and development both face to face across Australia and online.

The Australian Podiatry Association regrets to advise that due to the rapidly declining situation relating to COVID-19 and in the interest of attendee and public safety, all APodA run face-to-face CPD events across Australia have been suspended effective immediately, to be reviewed June 30. The Association holds the health and wellbeing of all podiatrists and members of the community in its highest priority and it is this that is at the forefront of our decision making at this time.
If you have registered for an event, you will be entitled to a full refund or credit. We will be in touch with you shortly via email to arrange the processing of this.
We are still running a number of webinars and are exploring opportunities to add more online CPD during this time. We are also in discussions regarding CPD requirements for 2020 in light of these unprecedented circumstances and will provide an update on this shortly.
Click on your state below to view the list of upcoming online CPD events:

  • National


  • Queensland

  • Victoria

  • Tasmania

  • South Australia

  • Western Australia



Our doctors provide a wide range of health services including advice on health problems, vaccinations, examinations and treatment, prescribing medicines and referrals to specialists or other services as needed.

They have a broad knowledge of many different health conditions and will work for you to make sure you receive the best care possible.

Feel free to make an appointment to discuss any medical problem or question you need answering. Our aim at Jullums is to improve the health of our entire community and this includes you!

Dr Andrew Binns
General Practitioner

By bike, scooter or foot. ON THE ROAD Improve your health Save time Save money Care for the environment Increase productivity Improve fitness and mental health WHY Richmond Valley Council Graham Place, Casino NSW 2470 (02) 6660 0300 council@richmondvalley.nsw.gov.au discoverrichmondvalley.com.au A free 5km run or walk. Every Saturday at 7am. 104 Walker Street CASINO NSW 2470. MONDAY – 8:30am to 5:30pm TUESDAY – 8:30am to 5:30pm WEDNESDAY – 8:30am to 5:30pm THURSDAY – 8:30am to 5:30pm. Thank you for completing your membership application for 2020-2021. If the COVID-19 crisis has not impacted you financially and you would like to donate a portion of the 25% savings offered this year through the COVID-19 financial relief membership pricing, please consider making a donation to APERF, the Australian Podiatry Education Research Fund, supporting podiatry research and clinicians.


Friday mornings

“I am committed to supporting self-determination and for more Aboriginal people to be included in the health team at Jullums.”

Andrew has had an interest in Aboriginal health for many years.

Soon after the opening of the Namatjira Haven Drug & Alcohol Healing Centre in 1979, he provided a GP service at the centre in Alstonville.

One of the founders of Lismore AMS, Andrew commenced a GP practice here in 2003 to complement the established Aboriginal health promotion service Gurgun Bulanggelah (now Jullums). He was joined by other GPs and health professionals and the service evolved into the comprehensive practice that operates today.

Dr Peter Silberberg
General Practitioner

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Peter has taken a long and winding road on his journey to working at Jullums, where he commenced in 2016.After graduating from Monash University and working as an intern at Lismore Base Hospital, he travelled through north Australia, settling in Darwin in 2000.

Peter lived in the Northern Territory for six years and had numerous different jobs. He then worked as a doctor at Royal Darwin Hospital and at the second oldest Aboriginal Medical Service in Australia – Congress AMS in Alice Springs.

In 2009 Peter returned to the North Coast with his partner and they are happily settled with two children. Along with his part-time role at Lennox Head Medical Centre, Peter worked for seven years training young GPs. When this job ended, he returned to one of his passions, Aboriginal Health.

Dr Clare Sugden
GP Registrar

Wednesdays and Thursdays

Clare is a GP registrar at RTS Health Service.

She enjoys all aspects of general practice, including women’s and indigenous health.

She feels lucky to call the beautiful Northern Rivers home, and when not at work can often be found enjoying the outdoors with her family.

Dr Beau Robertson
Clinical Psychologist

Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Beau is a clinical psychologist who has been working at Rekindling the Spirit since 2017.

Clinical psychology has a focus on mental health and in addition to this, Beau has experience working in drug and alcohol treatment services.

An holistic approach to counselling is used, which considers all aspects that contribute to social and emotional wellbeing.

Beau is especially interested in helping clients heal from past trauma, and is undertaking further training, in schema therapy, to better support clients who have experienced trauma.

PodiatristDr Bree Stone
GP Registrar

Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays

Bree is a GP Registrar at RTS Health Service, where she has worked since 2019.

She moved to the beautiful Northern Rivers region with her family in 2015.

She is interested in all aspects of general practice.

Dr Louise Wagner
General Practitioner

Wednesdays and Fridays

Levi Franks
Aboriginal Health Practitioner

Tuesdays and Fridays

Dr Matt Reeves
General Practitioner

Mondays and Tuesdays

Marilyn Tolman
Chronic Disease Coordinator

Monday – Thursday

Kristy-Lee Buchanan
Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI)

Monday – Friday

Gloria Torrens
Social and Emotional Wellbeing Worker (SEWB)

Tuesday – Friday

Kris Roberts
Aboriginal Health Worker / Mums & Bubs

Monday – Thursday


Registered Nurses have a central role in the care of patients with chronic and complex conditions. They undertake a number of general practice processes, including systematic assessment, follow up and review of the patient. They may identify local allied health services and ensure referrals go through the appropriate pathways to allied health professionals.

Registered Nurses undertake a variety of other roles, including taking patients’ histories, patient education and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. They may also conduct chronic disease management clinics at the practice.

Registered Nurses consult closely with patients suffering from chronic disease, assessing the impact of the condition on the patient, and identifying patients with risk factors. They can provide monitoring and support of patients between general practitioner reviews and may develop practices and processes to ensure appropriate patient care, including team care arrangements, asthma management plans and diabetes cycle of care, in partnership with the healthcare team.

(information sourced through http://cdm.ahpa.com.au)

Aboriginal Health Worker

Aboriginal health workers are generally based in Aboriginal community-controlled health services and are usually the first healthcare worker an Indigenous patient would see.

Their common objective is to assist the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to take a strong role in controlling and managing their own health and lifestyles.


Aboriginal health workers provide a wide range of primary healthcare services, including:

  • Community health education
  • Community support & engagement
  • Mums & Bubs playgroup

Working closely with both the patient and the health care team, they may act as interpreters to ensure that the healthcare practitioner is clear about the patient’s symptoms, medical and personal history and that the patient has a good understanding of the diagnosis, treatment and health care advice.

They may work in specialty areas including drugs and alcohol services, mental health, diabetes and eye and ear health.

Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Services (AMIHS)

Pregnancy Help and Support

Your local Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Service (AMIHS) is for all Aboriginal families, including dads, mums and babies and women giving birth to Aboriginal babies as well. Referrals can be made by the client, their family, GP’S, Obstetricians or Midwives or any other health care workers and can be made by phone or faxed to the AMIHS service you have chosen.

The Service is delivered through a continuity-of-care model, where midwives & Aboriginal Health Workers collaborate to provide a high quality maternity service that is culturally sensitive, women centred, based on primary health-care principles. AMIHS acknowledges & builds on the awareness, knowledge & understanding of Aboriginal families & communities about pregnancy & child health & its relationship to lifelong health. There are AMIHS workers throughout the Northern NSW Local Health District area.

AMIHS provide:

  • Comprehensive & regular antenatal health checks;
  • Booking in to maternity hospitals;
  • Smoking cessation support;
  • Referral & support to access other services;
  • Health promotion & community development activities;
  • Post natal checks & support;
  • Information on infant feeding & nutrition

To contact your local AMIHS ring:

Lismore AMIHS
  • Services Lismore, Coraki, Box Ridge and Nimbin
  • Danielle Torrens (Community Midwife)
  • (02) 6620 7559
Ballina/Byron AMIHS
  • Services Ballina, Wardell, Woodburn, Cabbage Tree Island & Byron Bay
  • Carmel Kapeen (Aboriginal Health Worker)
  • (02) 6686 8977
NswCasino AMIHS
  • Services Casino, Tabulam & Bonalbo
  • Justine Irving (Aboriginal Health Worker)
  • (02) 6660 0617
Clarence Valley AMIHS
  • Services Grafton, Maclean, Yamba, Iluka
  • Larisa Johnston (Aboriginal Health Worker)
  • (02) 6641 8702
Kyogle AMIHS
  • Services Kyogle, MuliMuli, Woodenbong, Urbenville
  • Justine Irving (Aboriginal Health Worker)
  • (02) 6630 0488

Connect To Wellbeing

Bronwyn Gibson
Mental Health Nurse

Connect To Wellbeing is a free counselling service for people experiencing mild to moderate mental health concerns.

Diabetes Educator

Donna Gibson

What does a Diabetes Educator do?

They provide support for people with diabetes, including gestational diabetes, integrating clinical care, self-management education, skills training and disease specific information to motivate patients to:

  • Understand diabetes and make informed lifestyle and treatment choices
  • Incorporate physical activity into daily life
  • Use their medicines effectively and safely
  • Monitor and interpret their blood glucose patterns

(information sourced through http://cdm.ahpa.com.au)


Abbey Calnan
Tuesdays (Fortnightly)

What does a Dietitian do?

Dietitians provide expert nutrition and diet advice for people of all ages. They can help if you have a food allergy, high cholesterol, diabetes, or gastrointestinal diseases, or if you are overweight. They can help with other health problems too.

What to expect from a dietitian

A dietitian will ask questions about your health, what you want to achieve, and what you eat and drink.

They will give you feedback and advice on your diet and health condition. They will also help you set food-related goals.

Exercise Physiologist

Podiatrist Casino Nsw City

Marion Pentecost
Thurdays (Fortnigthly)

Exercise physiologists specialise in clinical exercise interventions for people with a broad range of health issues. Those people may be at risk of developing, or have existing, medical conditions and injuries. The aims of exercise physiology interventions are to prevent or manage acute, sub- acute or chronic disease or injury, and assist in restoring one’s optimal physical function, health or wellness.

These interventions are exercise-based and include health and physical activity education, advice and support and lifestyle modification with a strong focus on achieving behavioural change.

General Physician

Dr Richard Lucas
Tuesdays (Monthly)

General physicians are specialist physicians with expertise in the diagnosis and management of complex disorders. They are able to co-ordinate patient care and work within the multidisciplinary team to optimise health outcomes for individuals and groups.

Mental Health Nurse

John Llewlyn

Mental health nurses may:

Podiatrist Casino Nsw Island

  • Identify patient goals and interventions required to achieve them
  • Provide a comprehensive mental status assessment
  • Contribute to the development of a General Practice Mental Health Care Plan
  • Contribute to case conferences
  • Assist patients’ families and carers to provide care and support
  • Provide psychological education
  • Provide counselling and psychological interventions

Patients may be referred to a mental health nurses for:

  • Medication education, management and compliance monitoring
  • Liaison point between GPs and psychiatrists
  • Support and interventions post discharge from a mental health service
  • Monitoring of mood, suicidality and self-harm tendencies
  • Counselling to manage and contain psychological distress

(information sourced through http://cdm.ahpa.com.au)

Mental Health Social Worker

Grainne O’Brien

Mental health social workers provide a range of evidence-based interventions, which focus on achieving solutions, including:

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Relation strategies
  • Skills training
  • Interpersonal therapy
  • Psychoeducation
  • Family therapy
  • Narrative therapy

Mental health social workers interventions include:

  • Detailed psychosocial assessment identifying the connections between mental health problems and complex social contexts
  • Assessment of the mental illness and its impact on the life of individuals and their families
  • Working with individuals, families, groups and communities to find solutions to mental health problems
  • Working cooperatively as part of multidisciplinary teams
  • Working within the guidelines of a professional code of ethics, practice standards and legal framework for practice

(information sourced through http://cdm.ahpa.com.au)

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

from Lismore Base Hospital
Wednesdays (Monthly)

Obstetricians provide medical care before, during, and after childbirth. Gynaecologists diagnose, treat, and aid in the prevention of disorders of the female reproductive system.


Dr. Helen Kasby
Mondays (Monthly)

Paediatricians manage the health of people aged 0-19 years old, including physical, behaviour, and mental health issues. They’re trained to diagnose and treat childhood illnesses, from minor health problems to serious diseases.


Louise Clarkson

Pharmacists working in GP clinics do reviews of medications to ensure they are working well for the patient. Within the medication review, the patient will learn more about their medications, how multiple medications work together and discuss any concerns or difficulties they are having. This service can be provided at Rekindling the Spirit Health Service or in the patient’s home.


Lara Ivanchenko
Mondays (Fortnigthly)

Podiatrists may treat patients with bone and joint disorders including:

  • Arthritis
  • Soft tissue and muscular pathologies
  • Neurological
  • Circulatory diseases

Podiatrists can diagnose and treat complications that affect skin and nails, corns, calluses and ingrown toenails, foot injuries and infections.

Triggers for referral to a podiatrist include:

  • Patient with diabetes and peripheral vascular disease, or neuropathy
  • Clinical diagnosis or history of foot or lower limb deformity
  • Clinical diagnosis of falls
    For conditions such as recurring sprains and chronic pain, podiatrists may prescribe foot orthoses.

(information sourced through http://cdm.ahpa.com.au)