Monkey Paw Slot Machine

The first independent bookstore we visited in Toronto was The Monkey’s Paw. I had spent the morning researching bookstores—thinking about applying for a book selling position—and writing down stores that showed up on more than one list of “Best Bookstores in Toronto.” Later, when we went to Propeller Coffee on the way to the bank, I realized we were only a few blocks away from one of the stores on my list. As usual, Thomas was happy to go on an adventure with me, even in the snow.

  1. Cat Paws Slot Machine If you love the idea of all your favourite big cats frolicking about in flowery fields — then how about the chance to win prizes and bonuses for spotting all those big cats in 'Cat Paws' a cat-lover's delight of an online slot game from IGT, that may just be the cutest thing since OMG!
  2. The Monkey Paw worked very well for a while, with Tommy earning thousands of dollars every night. Slot machines were constantly being updated and monitored for flaws, so Tommy once again had to find a more discreet and effective cheating tool.
  3. Cat Paws Slot Machine If you love the idea of all your favourite big cats frolicking about in flowery fields — then how about the chance to win prizes and bonuses for spotting all those big cats in 'Cat Paws' a cat-lover's delight of an online slot game from IGT, that may just be the cutest thing since OMG!
  4. The monkey's paw (or 'slider') invented by Tommy Carmichael exploited this. The contraption was essentially a guitar or piano string attached to a bent metal rod. Carmichael would jam it into the machine through an air vent and fish around for the switch that released the coin hopper.

The monkey paw and the light wand which enabled him to successfully rig slot machines for nearly two decades. World’s Biggest Slot Machine Scam In 1980, Carmichael was working at a television repair shop.

The Monkey’s Paw is a charming antiquarian bookstore on Bloor Street West. It wasn’t until later, when I was writing this post, that I realized the name likely comes from the short story by W. W. Jacobs, which is a classic horror story warning to “be careful what you wish for.” The store itself was small and comfortable, with a nice selection of uncommon books and paper artifacts. However, the real reason I wanted to visit was a strange-looking machine in the back.

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The Biblio-Mat is a one-of-a-kind book vending machine for “old & unusual” books. For about $3, you can buy a token from the front desk, and then go back and drop it into the machine. After some clicking, whirring, and ringing, a book drops into the slot with a satisfying thunk. Each book is hand-wrapped in a paper sleeve and sealed with a sticker.

This certainly isn’t the first book vending machine in the world, but it is the first (and possibly only) random book vending machine. According to Global News, the Biblio-Mat was invented in 2012 by Stephen Fowler (the owner of The Monkey’s Paw) and his friend Craig Small. Since then, it has become a major tourist attraction.

On Craig Small’s website, reviews for the Biblio-Mat range from “No thanks, I won’t pay for a rubbish book that I probably don’t want to read just in order to clear this guy’s unmovable stock” to “Oh my fucking god! Oh my fucking god! This is the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen!!!!!! Want! Want! Want!”


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Personally, I enjoyed trying the Biblio-Mat. I loved the anticipation I felt from the time I put in the token to the time I pulled out the book. The book I received isn’t one I would have bought, and to be honest it probably isn’t one I’ll read. But it was a unique and unusual experience, and it was just plain fun. Definitely worth doing once.