How To Get Legendary Guns In Borderlands 2 Slot Machines

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The critically acclaimed Borderlands 2 has been around for 8 years and still, people are playing the video game. In fact, ever since Borderland 3 came out in 2019, it has received renewed interest from gamers. But who am I kidding, you probably know all about it already and are here for some sweetBorderlands 2 weapons that you can get through codes. In this article, I have created a master list of all Borderlands 2 weapon codes.

I've never seen a legendary anything out of any machine (the torgue ones dont count). But i won 2 times in slots both times i got a thunderball fist on lvl 12 and and lvl 44.:D PSN: knive87 'The forge of my heart grows cold and the world shivers for it'.

Ever wondered how your friends got all the shiny weapons with cool customizations? Well, they may have leveled up quite a lot or may have simply used the weapon codes which I am going to share with you.

These codes for Borderlands 2 are not a simple plug and play. They require a special third party software that makes edits to your save game and gets you the weapons. But once it’s set up, you can use these codes by simple copy-paste. We have a special section on describing that below the actual codes.

Don’t worry, these codes and the third part editor are completely safe to you and won’t break your game, well at least not literally. We have checked the software with the best antivirus software to ensure it is safe for your computer.

With that tool set up, you don’t just get the weapon code for Borderlands 2, but also item codes, legendary weapon codes, and gibbed codes – to get a specific item in the game.

The save file editor by Gibbed lets you do all these crazy things. It allows you to create new save files or alter existing ones in Borderlands 2. With this tool and the codes we are listing below, you can level up your Vault Hunter, skip missions, add more money, and best of all, add those weapons straight to your backpack.

Read More: 10 Best Pokemon ROM hacks to play in 2020

It is the author’s moniker for the tool which led to the term, Borderlands 2 gibbed codes within the gaming community.

Borderlands 2 weapon codes


1. Pistol codes

  • Infinity 10.4 Firerate
    • BL2(h2/V3n+mGlXGeO8zxX8PVUyUhQuLayUPJYlikvHB65/Ell/prsQL)​
  • Corrosive Infinity 10.4 Firerate
    • BL2(h5QiV53rMvaq4vd55NURZZORv969Seh9yk4qeEjD2/wEtv4tVBmE)​
  • Shock Infinity 10.4 Firerate
    • BL2(hxAhZz5bfUSHmRN+LUJXVNTESbux319gygutw8ZkFEycqmA76T38)
  • Fire Infinity 10.4 Firerate
    • BL2(h/fUO8e0BnEw3Ax/hxDuBhZkmxxN9Nf+E0EybfchIKw3uJS94WW1)

2. Shield codes

  • Max Amp Damage Bee Shield Corrosive Resistance ​
    • BL2(BzrpwwbOnWYTrd2zRZvCc5+ZepkS0q95+PoRncNU6Ilhzmg7uAA=)​
  • Max Amp Damage Bee Shield Shock
    • Resistance BL2(B3uU2VhKSuMpHMBC0DX68rU7q34or8G30xc0BVtGNgUxasK7cnY=)
  • Max Amp Damage Bee Shield Fire
    • Resistance BL2(B18B7EVXug0YuBN6ZvxVg9zGd7TDY0oi6VjMDBfKUL8nj3V1QJw=)
  • Grounded Love Thumper w/ 39304 Roid Damage​
    • BL2(B2YpUsQ4TLlCtVC+irdro7cg6iKqcWY/AW9woHYK/TxOU8YzXmg=)
  • Maxed Effect Neogenerator ​
    • BL2(ByljCSzyGRlKcyAYwlIDLED1306CMjGUzjJTYyeUFRc5KcnLm44=)
  • Fabled Tortoise ​
    • BL2(B5RV2vkR7ysJhQXfl8v1nRLlvtqvzJp2ZBtfyYW/kw/XD2axxG8=)
How To Get Legendary Guns In Borderlands 2 Slot MachinesGuns

3. Shotgun codes

  • Conference Call 5788×7
    • BL2(h2b30V2CBKuvMvEvXrDkvKbZwIhp3DjftJpgU2XciuJX+tPx1/SL)​
  • Corrosive Conference Call 5788×7
    • BL2(h9wrxtwOuWM6IfVJgeDdyeq0XG4OMqoLM1NWaN84BP72ZVu+xFxo)
  • Shock Conference Call 5788×7
    • BL2(hzmkOWcUre7Aqt2wsYwpOMbMcXJFK80rY6VWeXCp3iu3cPiUo4sG)​
  • Fire Conference Call 5788×7
    • BL2(h8ZN6Nd0I95N5e+CTNT6H2KAOpnePMWxBqSkFQ/iJ9b46tUGbNwC)​
  • Slag Conference Call 5788×7
    • BL2(hyAT0W9K8vz2lHebjwWCLbYLEwvOH0UPE3qxlRSf0OuCEFScgxZi)

4. Relic​ codes

  • Best Sheriff’s Badge
    • BL2(Bwn78CLBShj5njbmNSuvxZQD372ygtAXCCxlJVmUzLo=)
  • Allegiance Relic – Bandit Damage +30% / Bandit Reload Speed +40%
    • BL2(B+AI+UHD9P1vFBfn7oCrDHfvohyoKdzsMXWDFLbvczc=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Bandit Damage +30% / Bandit Fire Rate +24%
    • BL2(B9y4fy5whKkebE9Tl7Wqh95LyyjICU+VkKkn3tKSxho=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Dahl Recoil -53.5% / Dahl Magazine Size +70%
    • BL2(B7MsZEkU5QQSRUqZ9XZrlqYc8atfOVCgzONYs/UgOeY=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Dahl Recoil -53.5% / Dahl Burst Delay – 53.5%
    • BL2(B+y8aQhRWW3Vsi5Ni+6Wz/wqSQV9hxyZpMJV/qw9JZc=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Hyperion Damage +30% / Hyperion Reload Speed +40%
    • BL2(ByZUSuXmZu3zDL5fLqOy0KnHNQtBpGMAx8TBkvtgZ1I=)
  • Allegiance Relic – Hyperion Damage +30% / Hyperion Max Accuracy +53.5%
    • BL2(B+gosX4f4XFtyzxufIkrj9RJcZu+pldxuFHJ6dxnc20=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Jakobs Recoil -53.5% / Jakobs Magazine Size +70%
    • BL2(B7wgvIwalMh6FhgXKGs8JSajGoFkEhsgyxtSZ+/4shM=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Jakobs Recoil -53.5% / Jakobs Acc. Recovery +100%
    • BL2(BwVECx36yg62r79o14CaINOFlio0dYyB31Z7e3R7e44=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Maliwan Damage +30% / Maliwan Reload Speed +40%
    • BL2(B1TlsmiPCilR0J1VW2sBwtEZyHW0nzoUFl6r8R/cZmM=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Maliwan Damage +30% / Maliwan Fire Rate +24%
    • BL2(Bwn6V6WNYjgWEboPFCjgIbqet+pjtG0So6afJWbWVo4=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Tediore Damage +30% / Tediore Recoil -53.5%
    • BL2(B4+KsUwg3V31otI5GVWH7JyzW9K145fdPQz7PrHrT4Q=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Tediore Damage +30% / Tediore Magazine Size +70%
    • BL2(B7HKK4vnSborSEaIRsfCbs8F2tIp0o+lviqy+R9QsqU=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Torgue Fire Rate +24% / Torgue Magazine Size +70%
    • BL2(B15TXx0C47Ufw9mW4WkFjpSwOQnlXNX69+hI0cTUomI=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Torgue Fire Rate +24% / Torgue Acc. Recovery +100%
    • BL2(B9utsUUuyntr/xIfm6vAt4L6h9zem/rWhEd3G8gGafA=)
  • Allegiance Relic – Vladof Damage +30% / Vladof Recoil -53.5%
    • BL2(BxKN+6x4ERiW0CZEH90hWFvjucUZYLOFkXgEojE7inM=)​
  • Allegiance Relic – Vladof Damage +30% / Vladof Acc. Recovery +100%
    • BL2(B3gvqgprtICUCbFUsaqcfKkbn9KI2tV46DZk7iEASzo=)
  • Aggression Relic – Assault Rifle Damage – 30.0%
    • BL2(B6BjTREH1JMZIFqmY/Wqp9PP1XxwtdIWrsdDz11Zbus=)​
  • Aggression Relic – Launcher Damage +30%
    • BL2(B0fyJ5OPAFcdIWjYBrN80plSPjifHyPzuw7c1jfJrSA=)
  • Aggression Relic – Pistol Damage +30%
    • BL2(B5VpQsNIALELyvb72kfu6adq7q3phM3rdUMJEl+CGvk=)​
  • Aggression Relic – Shotgun Damage +30%
    • BL2(B76PERK4JO8J+b8PXfdByb8JFTQtdKXQOSzoqqo7mk8=)​
  • Aggression Relic – SMG Damage +30%
    • BL2(Bx12+PplgSlwdYw6U8tc4zN0TiB6C0pjE1tZfuN1Rmg=)
  • Aggression Relic – Sniper Rifle Damage +30%
    • BL2(B/+m5j7CUTa8uxjo8IzNKoYV0eopN2IbRdhlCIgqY1Q=)​
  • Blood of Terramorphous – Health Regen/second +0.5%
    • BL2(B1I5GOPu+Zw1KFhO9Yt31DvCAZlTOTc94OCPCBnKvrc=)
  • Blood of the Seraphs – Max Health / Health Regen/second
    • BL2(ByfJzd85DQ7DHg8LLUMBAoYv+ODbZDnAtd8xEVQxC9o=)
  • Elemental Relic – Corrosive Damage +30%
    • BL2(B3lEXxgRhJ3UIxnQFnbjrKJnhuYjywaBnTS6sHmTgEE=)​
  • Elemental Relic – Explosive Damage +30%
    • BL2(B/DHLPEd6QPr+bji1PR6fG1R/2To17QV0vc7X7cUcPo=)
  • Elemental Relic – Fire Damage +30%
    • BL2(Bzj92DpCvE5QSW6PfUVoQT7zd1SdCb/GQTQ9bo4kWOU=)
  • Elemental Relic – Shock Damage +30%
    • BL2(B6JSwh4r/VZQXaBJRJil3VFzwnUKSQK8Q3wASD+Cd1Q=)​
  • Elemental Relic – Slag Damage +30%
    • BL2(B8ATVlV9kFt7Ub6ey6nMJQ0pt5ZLdqddjberICje96I=)
  • Proficiency Relic – Cooldown Rate +35%
    • BL2(B+Lq6TaLTx0hFzXQ9QNdPDl7+Kuwr/gwuZPsrhsTIuY=)
  • Protection Relic – Shield Capacity +30% / Shield Recharge Rate +30%
    • BL2(B9VwTYghEVkhnIvcwHQPMhPo/frDh21ac0Mjv14y3XE=)
  • Strength Relic – Melee Damage +30% / Override Cooldown Rate +30%
    • BL2(B60OdnBLaY37U3ZA2bZdQu+cEg/rlehGhlXNP5BWAtk=)
  • Tenacity Relic – FFYL Time +30% / Second Wind Health +151%
    • BL2(B2isf7Mpuis+NBJr6Y0wzkJChCKxuJF5LSDkk7KEdLE=)
  • Vault Hunter’s Relic– Rare Loot Drops +5%
    • BL2(Bxmpm5T6HMCZ7gMLEsnUMzzoJTpxYgPlNG12/FeLQy8=)
  • Vitality Relic – Max Health +50%
    • BL2(BxxbUfsoQnPX7lUv1lkosgyoeVGmb8m6BkyOHH4qYls=)

5. Class Mods

  • Legendary Siren
    • BL2(B6SNQDZE9d0lVmy4snKHJr3R5cGS55e2g+hJZrB4Mf8/EdvB0Mc=)
  • Legendary Assassin
    • BL2(B33KDJEYXlR5JYdBlKUqfTprbF6kGE+Eg2WbIMggxVpqEEXivtU=)​
  • Legendary Gunzerker
    • BL2(BxSdWGGpxMOu/5t0CW7YjU8b8IRbRNKk/M1x6AvJFQIrn9IVoHg=)​
  • Legendary Soldier
    • BL2(B+VlyqywrTP5IzslaERpns45Ur15es8r5I8a6WLtHr+HrKNBnnE=)​
  • Legendary Mechromancer
    • ​BL2(BzdZNEhby3PrRLv1e4GnUInM6q749LR34TaI0E+Snm3nrSr2iTE=)
  • Slayer of Terramorphous – Commando
    • BL2(B1cR5SluF+M8KCfylsRcnC+zfZenWFNmt1wtQSWUazjGUqParUs=)​
  • Slayer of Terramorphous – Assassin
    • BL2(B+Ak0OcaFUIpnk3x+iFuitrdQa+gaw2ZKL0Op8DZhX3Wgd81piY=)
  • Slayer of Terramorphous – Gunzerker
    • ​BL2(B2+9/OEpjUi6lJWNaNiDUQ8XW2zU2bmYYOWOn0Py0nFcKldyMCU=)
  • Slayer of Terramorphous – Siren
    • BL2(B9+tqNoq1Yzci6Hs0ygd6qpbLu7r7xSThv0zXvCUd8/BS7syKwk=)​
  • Slayer of Terramorphous – Mechromancer
    • BL2(B9WORBcefev3BsLAnpThC8YBhCNyk1JibMGZI7haP/JhJz4mcxI=)​

6. Sniper Rifle Codes

180% Critical Hit Skullsmasher

  • BL2(h3WuzAr60VwNpHPUoYZieWeoj+rN7UhIyJRXGskRqKpgeo6nwCDP)

Borderlands 2 legendary weapons codes

Infinity Pistols (DAMAGE)

  • Fire – BL2(h54pl5CUV+38zYGnBcPFzBurUBqqM77IZSWQ632fyv0Xok bpzVU0)
  • Shock – BL2(hyUR3+U0r1RU39u3o+meOEyhDaEeLgK7IQdvPcnnmp7t6H lJmNVU)
  • Corrosive – BL2(h5pXAHfsBZWBPAYjdlr101zcIfTWnQBIirbGrK7AyhZx8m NgxAji)
  • Non-Elemental – BL2(h+CPozePh5J/Vi3jw/jfxd6HZtCMxFCRGksq8axHVGYMTatK1JJw)

Legendary Shotguns

  • Corrosive Conference Call – BL2(h9wrxtwOuWM6IfVJgeDdyeq0XG4OMqoLM1NWaN84BP72ZV u+xFxo)
  • Shock Conference Call – BL2(hzmkOWcUre7Aqt2wsYwpOMbMcXJFK80rY6VWeXCp3iu3cP iUo4sG)
  • Fire Conference Call – BL2(h8ZN6Nd0I95N5e+CTNT6H2KAOpnePMWxBqSkFQ/iJ9b46tUGbNwC)
  • Slag Conference Call – BL2(hyAT0W9K8vz2lHebjwWCLbYLEwvOH0UPE3qxlRSf0OuCEF ScgxZi)
  • Standard Conference Call – BL2(h2b30V2CBKuvMvEvXrDkvKbZwIhp3DjftJpgU2XciuJX+t Px1/SL)
  • The Terramorphous Shotgun – BL2(h0At9BYpigZJruluqRduDDWUsTWQA6SzI9hiwlAi6vjK9G 7fYYnR)

Legendary Sniper Rifles

  • Shock Patriot Sniper – BL2(hwGV6BfTYy8uma2l9IeIHZsG/lEunPnEExcpAJOAQk4o52Mow1sY)
  • Fire Patriot Sniper – BL2(h/i9jgqBota1fZdQvSshZsusMpCUfQ5MpBFOnKXOjHRdzR+qZp+A )
  • Non Elemental Patriot Sniper – BL2(h/XjvokW9njyi8jnAWNsr3eTVvPT6fgGRShNQwAZ++mI7d4VX3L0 )
  • Slag Patriot Sniper – BL2(h4VHkqlj2EU1WcB3hrOUJaHGA8bbVpinOk6D5+O0DotRuP PoAQFF)
  • Corrosive Patriot Sniper – BL2(h0K6SKCuJ4z/RXu0nh8epsEmzx73Roy2CJj0xbWoM9GnGxGtqdt6)

How to install Borderlands 2 Save File Editor for gibbed codes

  1. Download Borderlands 2 Gibbed’s editor latest version from here.
  2. Furthermore, you might also have to install Microsoft .Net Framework 4, if it is not already installed on your system.
  3. Open Gibbed’s editor from the .exe file.
  4. Click Open and navigate to your Borderland 2 save folder. Try the following path:
    • C:YourUserNameMy DocumentsMy GamesBorderlands 2WillowGameSaveData7656120119_Filename
  5. Open your Profile save and start modifying whatever you like.

To follow along with how to proceed step by step, watch the following video to learn in detail how to add codes and modify the save.

BL2 Gibbed Codes – Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to get the save editor for codes to work?

Yes, there is no other way to get the codes from using just the video game.

Do these Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes really work?

Definitely. It’s just one time download the software and setting it up, afterwords it works easily.

I used this on my file and it sent me back about 20 hours in the game?

If it asks you to overwrite your data press ‘no‘ and change the file name to avoid this.

When I’m trying to load my save 2 data on gibbed it says – ”Failed to load save: reencode mismatch”. What am i doing wrong?

Make sure you have the latest version of the Save editor, we provided the latest link in the article.

In this Borderlands 2 Legendary Weapons Guide, we will guide you on how you can obtain the brand new legendary weapons added to Borderlands 2 in the brand new DLC. Borderlands 3 is about to come out in three months and to celebrate its release, Borderlands 2 received a brand new DLC a few days ago Commander Lilith & the Fight of Sanctuary. This free DLC adds more content to the game as it connects the second game with the third game set to release later this year.

We have curated this Borderlands 2 Legendary Weapons Guide in which we will tell you how you can obtain the brand new legendary weapons added to Borderlands 2 with this new DLC. The new DLC adds three brand new legendary weapons to the game and you can obtain them in order to further increase your arsenal of weapons in this amazing game. The new weapons are Overcompensator, Hector’s Paradise and Amigo Sincero. You can get them in the sequence we have detailed below.

Legendary Weapons Guide – Borderlands 2

This guide will help you obtain all legendary weapons added to Borderlands 2 with the new Command Lilith & the Fight of Sanctuary DLC.

Amigo Sincero

Let’s start with the easiest legendary weapon to obtain. Amigo Sincero is a sniper rifle that boasts 50% melee damage bonus as it comes equipped with a bayonet. Apart from that, it will give you 250% weapon damage as well. With such huge damage bonuses, whether you stick to the melee attacks, or switch to ranged combat, you will get bonuses for both.

To begin your hunt for this legendary sniper rifle, star by heading to The Backburner and speak with Brick. Brick will give you the quest BFFFs which requires you to kill four Lieutenants in different locations. All four will be marked on your map. You need to take down Tetra, Hoffman, Angvar, and Bolson.

Once you have killed all four, bring back the components to Brick. Make sure that you loot the bodies of the dead Lieutenants for the parts that you need. Return to Brick and he will ask you to deliver the present to Mordecai. Deliver the present to Mordecai and head back to Brick to get Amigo Sincero from him. This is one down. Check it out in action in the video below by Joltzdude139.

Hector’s Paradise

How To Get Legendary Guns In Borderlands 2 Slot Machines Free Play

You cannot obtain this legendary weapon right from the start. You must have completed Chapter 4 and you will finally get access to it in Mt. Scarab Research Center in Chapter 5. This legendary pistol comes with an added bayonet as well however it also comes with 15% Electrocute chance with which it can deal Shock damage to enemies per second. It is super effective against shielded enemies.

To start the quest, head to Mt. Scarab Research Center and while heading there, you will find a quest marker on the left side after going down the stairs. Find the dead body here and interact with its Echo that will help you start the hunt for Hector’s Paradise. With the first Echo in your hand, you are tasked with finding three more Echoes in the facility. The remaining three Echoes are located in the Candidate Detention Room, Experimentation Room, and Observation Deck.

In the Candidate Detention Room, kill all the enemies and a door to a cell will open which has the Echo in it. Collect it. Now make your way to the Experimentation Room where you will find another dead body above the meat grinder. Collect the Echo. For the final Echo, head to the Observation Deck where you must get access to a walkway. Head up the stairs and use the ladder to get to the walkway and collect the final Echo.

After collecting all four Echoes, make your way back to the Observation Room and get to the new room using the stairs. Inside this room, you will find a safe. Break it open with melee to complete the quest and obtain Hector’s Paradise, your brand new legendary pistol. Check it out in action in the video below by lil_bleachbottle.


The last legendary weapon in the DLC is the Overcompensator and it is also the best one. This legendary shotgun comes with a damage multiplier along with a 4.4x weapon zoom. It is one of the most accurate shotguns in the game with an insane amount of damage and an excellent weapon zoom. It will also keep you motivated throughout the fights so fans who have played Tales from the Borderlands will remember this amazing gun.

You can only obtain this legendary shotgun once you have completed the final mission of the DLC. The quest that unlocks this gun is Chief Executive Overlord however you might need to complete a few more quests in order to make it spawn. Vaughn will give you the quest Chief Executive Overlord.

How To Get Legendary Guns In Borderlands 2 Slot Machines Dispense

You do not have to do much for this gun as you are simply tasked with speaking with Moxxi, Ellie, Brick, Marcus, and Claptrap. In this very order. Once done, head back to Vaughn who will now task you with finding his Artifact of Power. Head to Helios Fallen and look for the washing machine at the waypoint.

The Artifact of Power is actually his pair of boxers. Grab them and head back to Vaughn to complete the quest and get your Overcompensator. Now you can kill people with insane damage and some of the best combat commentary ever featured in a video game. Check it out in action below in a video by Glitching Queen.

How To Get Legendary Guns In Borderlands 2 Slot Machines For Sale

Looking for some tips on how to beat the brand new raid boss Haderax the Invincible? Then check out our Borderlands 2 Haderax the Invincible Guide which will also tell you how you can obtain the Toothpick Assault Rifle which is yet another amazing weapon in the DLC.

How To Get Legendary Guns In Borderlands 2 Slot Machines List

This concludes our Borderlands 2 Legendary Weapons Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.